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Written by solicitor Thomas Meier-Bading 2023-10-03 at 18:27

Lawyer fees in Germany


The fees for German lawyers are regulated by a special law, but for international clients, simplified pricing is offered. It can be calculated in two ways: by my work or by your risk. In both cases they are a certain percentage of the claim with some side-rules. Regardless of the chosen model, there are additional risks such as reimbursing opponent’s lawyer fees and pre-paying court fees.
Ø Reading time: 2 min.
table of contents:
  • lawyer fees do not have to be complicated
  • my fees: two situations
  • the consultation fee
  • working fee: two ways of calculation
  • payment by your risk
  • payment by my work
  • in both cases: further risks
  • how to contact me
  • also see my video on youtube
  • Rating for this site

lawyer fees do not have to be complicated

a diagram showing increasing lines
picture: Thomas Meier-Bading

The fees of German lawyers have an extra law called Rechts­anwalts­vergütungs­gesetz (dont try to pronounce it, just say „RVG”) and a thick law-book to read erverything about them. Also, there are websites that can calculate the exact fee on the cent. The fees merely depend on the amount in dispute and a bit on the typical lawyer’s efford depending on how the case envolves.
However, we are not obliged to settle our fees on this law, so I can lay it aside and keep it very simple. Not valid for people living in Germany.

my fees: two situations

Having had to deal too much with Americans wanting to sue German companies for millions, I decided it’s better to clarify straight ahead how much is worthwile at all. That’s why my fees consist of

  1. a culsultation fee
  2. a working fee.

All prices gross including 19% VAT.

the consultation fee

The costs for a consultation - if and what amount your claim is worthwhile and how much you have to deposit at the court (see below) - is 200 €.

working fee: two ways of calculation

picture: ai, prompt: Thomas Meier-Bading

As an internationally acting law-firm, I experienced very different approaches how to pay a lawyer. Keeping that in mind I offer two ways of calculation to my international clients, one of which you have to choose beforehand:

  1. payment by your risk
  2. payment by my work

payment by your risk

If you want to pay me by the risk,

  • I take 24% of the amount you claim, to be post-payed only in case we win,
  • if we loose, I get nothing.

payment by my work

If you want to pay me by my work, the fees have to be pre-paid and arise regardless of if we win or loose. In this model,

  • per court-instance I take 6% of the amount you claim, but a minimum of 6.000 €,
  • if your claim is below 50.000 €, the minimum is only 600 € but the percentage is 12%.
  • In the payment for the first instance, a prior letter to the opponent is included - maybe we can make do without the court.

in both cases: further risks

Regardless of how we calculate with each other, in some case we have to calculate towards the opponent.

  • Keep in mind that if we loose, you are still obliged to reimburse the opponent’s lawyer fees, calculated according to that RVG-law mentioned above.
  • Also court-fees arise which you have to pre-pay and will be reimbursed by the court if we win.
  • Plaintiffs from outside the EU (yes, even from Britain) have to deposit the opponent’s lawyer-fees at the court in the beginning of the law-suit. To be reimbursed by the court if we win.
picture: ai, prompt: Thomas Meier-Bading

how to contact me

You may send me an email at any time. If you call me on the phone pls. remember that you may be in different time-zone from Berlin. Also see location and contact.

also see my video on youtube

(actually it’s more or less the same content that you can read here)

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The article "Lawyer fees in Germany" has an average of 5 out of 5 based on a total of 2 ratings.
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